All Auction Dates Subject to Change
ComicConnect attends various Comic Conventions throughout the year in the U.S. and Globally. We are usually paired up with our sister-site ComicConnect. At our booth you can speak to any of our representatives for information on selling, buying or consigning. We have millions of dollars in checks waiting to be cut to buy your collection. Please keep in mind that to attend these Cons you will have to contact the vendors directly to buy tickets, if you are thinking of attending, we highly suggest ordering tickets ahead of time, many of these conventions can sell out quickly.
Feel free to call us ahead of time to find out where we will be located.
Picking up your order at a convention needs to be arranged ahead of time. Please email us at, or give us a call at 1.800.229.6387 or for our Intl'l customers call us at, to arrange this. Please keep in mind that orders may not be available for pickup if the order was placed close to the convention dates. We also have limited space and orders for pickup will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you are interested in picking up your order at a convention, please let us know as soon as you place your order.
Requesting to view items for sale or auction at a convention needs to be arranged ahead of time. Please email us at, or give us a call at 1.800.229.6387 or for our Intl'l customers call us at, to arrange this. Please keep in mind that any comic that is not in our facility at the time of the con may not be available to view.
Metropolis Collectibles would love to have a chance to view, evaluate and give you an offer for your collection in person at a con. We can answer any questions you have selling your books and even appraise the collection on the spot. We can even offer you an advance on the collection if you are interested in consigning the collection for sale.
Feel free to email us, or give us a call at 1.800.229.6387 or for our Intl'l customers call us at; send us your list and we can set up an appointment to send someone to your location, or give you instructions on how to ship the items to us for evaluation.