Use the form below to submit your items for sale.
What type of item would you like to sell?
Was your item graded by a third party grading service?
What is a Third-Party Grading Service?
The most well-known Third-Party Grading Services are CGC and PGX. They grade and encapsulate comics in sealed plastic holders, using the 10 Point Grading Scale that was originally devised by ComicConnect's co-founder, Stephen Fishler. Some collectors love 'slabbed' comics, others dislike not being able to read the comic. The important thing for sellers to know about Third-Party Grading is that it does not always make financial sense to have comics graded. You do not want to spend $30 to have CGC or PGX grade a comic that is only worth $30 – you won't make any money! For example, an Amazing Spiderman 129 with a grade of NM/MT 9.8 can sell for well over $5,000, whereas the same comic and issue in a 'nice looking' Very Good 4.0 might sell for under $100 regardless of whether or not it is CGC graded.
Please have it graded for me.
Which grading service?
Sell my item at:
Fixed Price
Choosing to sell at a fixed price allows you to simply list an item for sale on this website. You can set your own price, and allow buyers to submit offers for the item to you.
Auction Type:
Event Auction
Event Auctions coordinate and promote a group of comics with values of at least $250 each from multiple sellers.
Exclusivity is required for any comic listed for an Event Auction. If you choose this option, you may not sell your comic elsewhere unless the comic does not sell at the end of the auction.
Comics submitted to an Event Auction will not be available for sale until the auction starts, and will receive exposure as a 'previewed' lot.
Sellers and buyers must have valid credit card info on file to participate. Sellers may set Reserves on items listed for an Event Auction.
Monthly Auction
Monthly Auctions coordinate and promote auction lots from multiple sellers to end in the same evening auction session, spaced one minute apart.
Exclusivity is required for any comic listed in a Monthly Auction. If you choose this option, you may not sell your comic elsewhere unless your comic does not sell at the end of the auction.
Comics submitted to a Monthly Auction will immediately begin accepting bids as soon as they are approved by's administrators.
Sellers and buyers must have a valid credit card on file to participate. Sellers may set reserves and Buy It prices for their auction lots.
Enter the title name:
Start typing the title of your item, select the option from our database (if available).
Does it match one of these?
Item specifics:
Page Quality:
Extent of Restoration:
Holder Type:
Census Rank:
Step 2: Provide us with additional information about this item:
Upload Images:
* Please do not post images with URL-name or other watermarks.
Accepted file type are: .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG. Must be larger than 800px wide by 800px tall.