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P.(1) Mayerik, Val(35) Mayhew, Mike(1) Mayo, Gonzalo(15) McCrea, John(4) McDaniel, Scott(20) McDonnell, Luke(22) McFarlane, Todd(152) McGuinness, Ed(2) McKenna, Mark(7) McKone, Mike(5) McLaughlin, Frank(170) McLeod, Bob(190) McNiven, Steve(1) McWilliams, Al(1) Medina, Angel(9) Meikis, David(1) Melo, Adriana(2) Merino, Jesus(1) Mesina, Rudy(1) Meskin, Mort(36) Mignola, Mike(42) Miki, Danny(29) Milgrom, Al(658) Miller, Frank(236) Mitchell, Steve(55) Moldoff, Sheldon(300) Molina, Jorge(1) Moline, Karl(1) Moncuse, Steve(3) Montana, Bob(1) Montano, Steve(1) Mooney, Jim(731) Moore, Jerome K.(2) Moore, Tony(46) Moore, Tradd(1) Morales, Mark(4) Morales, Rags(7) Morgan, Tom(4) Morrow, Gray(15) Mortimer, Win(127) Murphy, Sean(1) Mushynsky, Andy(7) Neary, Paul(11) Nebres, Rudy(11) Netzer, Michael(5) Neves, Diogenes(1) Newton, Don(24) Nguyen, Dustin(4) Nguyen, Tom(1) Nicholas, Charles(6) Nichols, Art(22) Nino, Alex(61) Nodell, Mart(1) Nolan, Graham(19) Norem, Earl(24) Norton, Mike(3) Novick, Irv(63) Nowlan, Kevin(27) Nyberg, John(3) O'Connell, Mitch(1) Oksner, Bob(63) Olliffe, Pat(1) Olliffe, Patrick(4) Ordway, Jerry(36) Orlando, Joe(20) Ortiz, Juan(4) Ottley, Ryan(1) Owens, Andy(2) Palais, Rudy(5) Palmer, Tom(398) Palmiotti, Jimmy(28) Panosian, Dan(22) Pansica, Eduardo(1) Paquette, Yanick(6) Parillo, Lucio(3) Paris, Charles(1) Parks, Ande(1) Patricio, Ernesto(5) Patterson, Bruce(36) Patton, Chuck(2) Peddy, Art(5) Pelletier, Paul(4) Pepoy, Andrew(6) Perez, George(445) Perkins, Mike(1) Perlin, Don(154) Peter, H.G.(64) Pham, Khoi(1) Phillips, Joe(1) Phillips, Sean(1) Ploog, Mike(92) Pollard, Keith(22) Pollen, Samson(2) Ponticelli, Alberto(1) Portacio, Whilce(17) Porter, Howard(6) Post, Howie(4) Powell, Bob(183) Prado, Joe(13) Purcell, Gordon(3) Purcell, Howard(6) Purves, Jeff(2) Quesada, Joe(25) Raboy, Mac(27) Ramos, Humberto(14) Ramos, Rodney(13) Randall, Ron(11) Raney, Tom(9) Rapmund, Norm(25) Rathburn, Cliff(42) Ray, Fred(3) Raymond, Alex(93) Redondo Studio(1) Redondo, Nestor(85) Reinhold, Bill(1) Reinman, Paul(104) Reis, Ivan(18) Remender, Rick(1) Renee, Lily(10) Ribic, Esad(1) Riegel, Alex(1) Riggs, Robin(3) Risso, Eduardo(1) Rival, Rico(6) Roach, David A.(5) Robbins, Frank(177) Robertson, Darick(3) Robinson, Jerry(25) Rodier, Denis(2) Rogers, Marshall(7) Rollins, Prentis(5) Romita Jr., John(81) Romita Sr., John(1007) Root, Budd(1) Rosado, William(1) Rosema, Scott(1) Rosenberger, John(9) Ross, Alex(29) Ross, Luke(4) Roth, Werner(132) Roussos, George(190) Roux, Stéphane(2) Royer, Mike(28) Rubinstein, Joe(291) Russell, P. 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109,469 Results -  Per Page:
    TOWER OF SHADOWS (1969-71) #1
    Marvel F/VF: 7.0
    John Romita cover; classic Jim Steranko + John Buscema art; 1st app of Digger, host of anthology series; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 7 (CBI)
    John Romita cover; classic Jim Steranko + John Buscema art; 1st app of Digger, host of anthology series; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 7 (CBI)
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    CHAMBER OF DARKNESS (1968-70) #5
    Marvel VF: 8.0
    Lovecraft adaptation; Kirby/Everett cover; swamp monster story; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 5 (CBI)
    Lovecraft adaptation; Kirby/Everett cover; swamp monster story; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 5 (CBI)
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    March 15 1923; RARE
    solid spine
    March 15 1923; RARE
    solid spine
    Intercontinental VG: 4.0
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    March 1925; RARE
    March 1925; RARE
    Intercontinental G: 2.0
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    DC F/VF: 7.0
    sl. color touch
    Challenge of the Rival Starman Adam Strange movie rumors aka Indiana Jones in space)
    sl. color touch
    Challenge of the Rival Starman Adam Strange movie rumors aka Indiana Jones in space)
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    SUPERMAN'S PAL JIMMY OLSEN (1954-74) #138
    DC VF: 8.0
    Kirby/Adams photographic cover; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 6 (CBI)
    Kirby/Adams photographic cover; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 6 (CBI)
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    SUPERMAN'S PAL JIMMY OLSEN (1954-74) #137
    DC F/VF: 7.0
    Kirby/Adams cover; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 6 (CBI)
    Kirby/Adams cover; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 6 (CBI)
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    SUPERMAN'S PAL JIMMY OLSEN (1954-74) #135
    DC VF-: 7.5
    Neal Adams cover, Kirby art; 2nd app. of Darkseid (cameo), 1st SA Guardian app.; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 7 (CBI)
    Neal Adams cover, Kirby art; 2nd app. of Darkseid (cameo), 1st SA Guardian app.; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 7 (CBI)
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    TOWER OF SHADOWS (1969-71) #1
    Marvel VF+: 8.5
    John Romita cover; classic Jim Steranko + John Buscema art; 1st app of Digger, host of anthology series; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 7 (CBI)
    John Romita cover; classic Jim Steranko + John Buscema art; 1st app of Digger, host of anthology series; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 7 (CBI)
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    TOWER OF SHADOWS (1969-71) #1
    Marvel VF+: 8.5
    glossy! ow/white pages
    John Romita cover; classic Jim Steranko + John Buscema art; 1st app of Digger, host of anthology series; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 7 (CBI)
    glossy! ow/white pages
    John Romita cover; classic Jim Steranko + John Buscema art; 1st app of Digger, host of anthology series; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 7 (CBI)
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    GHOST RIDER (1973-83) #35
    Marvel NM: 9.4
    classic Death Race by Starlin (& others); COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 5 (CBI)
    classic Death Race by Starlin (& others); COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 5 (CBI)
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    Warren F/VF: 7.0
    Mummy's Ghost cover
    Mummy's Ghost cover
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    Marvel NM+: 9.6
    glossy! white pages
    Zeck cvr/art (movie alert)
    glossy! white pages
    Zeck cvr/art (movie alert)
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    Highest Offer: $20
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    GHOST RIDER (1973-83) #35
    Marvel NM: 9.4
    glossy! ow/white pages
    classic Death Race by Starlin (& others); COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 5 (CBI)
    glossy! ow/white pages
    classic Death Race by Starlin (& others); COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 5 (CBI)
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    TOWER OF SHADOWS (1969-71) #1
    Marvel NM-: 9.2
    glossy! white pages
    John Romita cover; classic Jim Steranko + John Buscema art; 1st app of Digger, host of anthology series; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 7 (CBI)
    glossy! white pages
    John Romita cover; classic Jim Steranko + John Buscema art; 1st app of Digger, host of anthology series; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 7 (CBI)
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    Warp Graphics VF/NM: 9.0
    scarce! Pini cover/art
    scarce! Pini cover/art
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    Warp Graphics NM: 9.4
    1st printing
    SCARCE! Pini c/a
    1st printing
    SCARCE! Pini c/a
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    Warren VF: 8.0
    House of Wax feature
    House of Wax feature
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    Charlton VF: 8.0
    origin of Thunderbolt; motorcycle cover
    origin of Thunderbolt; motorcycle cover
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    ROM (1979-86) #1
    Marvel NM: 9.4
    Frank Miller cover; origin & 1st app of Rom; 1st app of Brandy Clark; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating OF 7 (CBI); SO WHEN WILL THERE FINALLY BE ROM MARVEL MOVIE?
    Frank Miller cover; origin & 1st app of Rom; 1st app of Brandy Clark; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating OF 7 (CBI); SO WHEN WILL THERE FINALLY BE ROM MARVEL MOVIE?
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