Adams cvr; Andru, Everett, Heck & Giacoia art; Origin/1st app. of The Defenders; Gli Albi dei Super-Eroi #1 (Italian Edition)As far as super-hero teams go, the Defenders are ultimately the most ragtag team of individuals trying to accomplish a single goal. Unlike the Avengers or Justice League, the Defenders are comprised of solo heroes with little to no affiliation with each other who mostly have their own agenda. With the cancellation of Doctor Strange’s comic, the formation of the team is the result of several crossover story arcs from Doctor Strange #183, Sub-Mariner #22, and Incredible Hulk #126, where the heroes unite to fight off an extra-dimensional invasion of demons. In the beginning the team was anchored by Strange and Hulk dealing with mystical threats, but unlike many other supergroups in comics the Defenders had a very unstable roster, including such disparate heroes as Silver Surfer, Valkyrie, and Luke Cage. Throughout the years the team would be led by different heroes assembling the squad for various missions, such as Doctor Strange forming his own "Secret Defenders" and Valkyrie enlisting her own "Fearless Defenders.” In 2014 Marvel teamed up with Netflix to create shows for their characters including Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, and Iron Fist, the heroes banded together in a crossover mini-series named “The Defenders,” making it the first on-screen appearance of the superhero team. With the Defenders now an A-list team in the comics world, and nearly all of their characters’ TV rights back with Marvel Studios a new series is likely in the works down the line, promising to drive up the value of this book once again.
Consignment Pedigree:
Skye Ott's Family Legacy Collection & Komic Kazi International are among the most popular and well-known collectors of rare International Editions Globally.
Founded by Mr. Ott and assisted by his sons, Skye, Stefan, and Shawn this family owned and run operation has been collecting vintage comic books and comic art for over 50 years.
Their total collection includes over 100,000+ rare international issues and thousands of pieces of original published comic book art from across the globe. Both the rarity and high state of condition of their holdings cannot be overstated.
Komic Kazi International is highly involved in educating the public on the importance of Brazilian comic book history with social media pages on Flickr, Instagram, and Facebook having nearly 15,000 detailed and organized images of the rarest international comic books.
Their total number of views as of the beginning of 2023 is over 21,000,000+ with over 133,000 views reached in a single day.
CGC: Brazilian Comics & The Golden Age