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SOLD ON: Monday, 09/30/2024 9:52 PM
April 16 1932; Classic Robert A. Graef giant insect cover; "The Insect Invasion" (Part 1 of 5) cover story by Ray Cummings; Tarzan story by Edgar Rice Burroughs
tape at spine; bc missing"Rum Island" story by Theodore Goodridge Roberts; "Killers of the Ice" story by Cliff Farrell; "Halloway’s Debt" (Part 2 of 3) serial by Jack Allman; "Men of Daring: Gen. Rafael de Nogales" illustrated feature by Stookie Allen; "Red Emeralds" (Part 3 of 6) serial by Sinclair Gluck; "Fire-Test" story by Karl Detzer; "Unwanted Men" story by Robert Ormond Case; "Tarzan and the City of Gold" (Part 6 of 6) Tarzan serial by Edgar Rice Burroughs
tape at spine; bc missing