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COMMENTS: glossy! white pgs
Superman team-ups begin; 4th Superman versus The Flash; Prof. Zoom cameo on last page,
Pennsylvania Dutch Copy
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glossy! white pgs
Superman team-ups begin; 4th Superman versus The Flash; Prof. Zoom cameo on last page,
Pennsylvania Dutch Copy4th Superman vs Flash race
Artists Information
José Luis García-López is a Spanish-Argentine comics artist who works in the United States, particularly in a long-running relationship with DC Comics. In addition to his storytelling art, he has been responsible for producing the official reference art for characters in the DC Comics Style Guide, as used in licensed merchandise.
Dan Adkins is an American comic book artist/ illustrator who's mainly worked for comics and science fiction magazines. Dan's most notable works include Marvel's Doctor Strange and Famous Monsters of Filmland.
Harley Quinn app. (2/17)
Harley Quinn app. (2/17)