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SOLD ON: Friday, 01/29/2021 7:38 PM
COMMENTS: Pg. 21, Dan Jurgens pencils & layouts, Brett Breeding finishes & inks; 1993; image size 10" x 15.5"
From part 4 of Funeral for a Friend
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Pg. 21, Dan Jurgens pencils & layouts, Brett Breeding finishes & inks; 1993; image size 10" x 15.5"
From part 4 of Funeral for a FriendCinematic splash piece laid out wonderfully by the talented Dan Jurgens, followed up excellently with finishes and inking, with a layover from Brett Breeding.
Artist Information
Dan Jurgens is American comic book artist/ writer who is best known for his work on the Death of Superman and co-creation of Doomsday, Hank Henshaw, and Booster Gold. Dan's most notable works include the Adventures of Superman, Action Comics and the Sensational Spider-Man for Marvel Comics.