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COMMENTS: investment grade
Moon Knight
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investment grade
Moon KnightCover pencils by Mark Bagley, inks by John Romita. The Punisher, Moon Knight, Nova, and Night Thrasher guest star in Round Robin: The Sidekick's Revenge part 4, "After Midnight!", script by Al Milgrom, pencils by Mark Bagley, inks by Randy Emberlin; As the heroes travel in the repaired Moon Copter, Night Thrasher gets the idea to contact Nova over his helmet communicator; After Dr. Franklin finishes his revamp of Midnight, Lynn Church shows the doctors something on her forehead that convinces them to obey her and complete another task; Franklin checks in on Nova and notices that the transmission signal jammer is turned off, allowing the heroes to locate him through the helmet communicator; Leaving the still-shaken Punisher in the Copter, the heroes storm the headquarters; Church tells Midnight that the task she had the doctors perform deactivated his pain-inducer; When Midnight demands Secret Empire leadership in exchange for fighting the heroes, Number 7 tries to use the pain-inducer but the unaffected Midnight murders him.
Moon Knight
Moon Knight