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COMMENTS: glossy! white pages
3rd app. Defenders (Disney+ series; Andru/Everett art
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glossy! white pages
3rd app. Defenders (Disney+ series; Andru/Everett artCover pencils by Gil Kane, inks by Ralph Reese. "A Titan Walks Among Us!", script by Roy Thomas, pencils by Ross Andru, inks by Bill Everett; Alien conqueror Xemnu uses his mental powers, broadcast through a kids' television show, to try and enslave mankind; The combined forces of the Defenders must rise to stop him. Xemnu the Titan previously appeared in Monsters on the Prowl (Marvel, 1971 series) #11 and #14, reprints of Journey Into Mystery (Marvel, 1952 series) #62 and #66.
3rd app. Defenders (Disney+ series; Andru/Everett art
3rd app. Defenders (Disney+ series; Andru/Everett art