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COMMENTS: glossy! white pages
Intro & 1st app. Whirly Bats
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glossy! white pages
Intro & 1st app. Whirly BatsCover pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Stan Kaye. Are You a Litter-Bug? public service announcement, art by Henry Boltinoff. Intro and 1st appearance of Whirly Bats in "Batman's Invincible Foe" starring Batman and Robin, pencils by Sheldon Moldoff, inks by Charles Paris; A criminal and a policeman from the future draw Batman into the middle of their battle; vs. Karko. Warden Willis two-pager by Henry Boltinoff. "The Return of Cleopatra" starring Roy Raymond TV Detective, art by Ruben Moreira; Roy battles Hamid. Batman Whirly-Word Game activity page. "King of the Underworld!" starring John Jones Manhunter from Mars, art by Joe Certa; There's a gang war to determine who will take Willy Wanger's place, and Jones is determined to win. "O'Malley of the 4th Precinct" one-page story, script and art by Irwin Hasen.
Intro & 1st app. Whirly Bats
Intro & 1st app. Whirly Bats