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COMIC BOOK IMPACT: rating of 9 (CBI)
COMMENTS: ow/white pages
2nd appearance of Spider-Man; 1st appearance of J. Jonah Jameson; 1st app. Chameleon; Steve Ditko cover & art; origin retold; Fantastic Four cover (3/63) COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 9 (CBI)
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ow/white pages
2nd appearance of Spider-Man; 1st appearance of J. Jonah Jameson; 1st app. Chameleon; Steve Ditko cover & art; origin retold; Fantastic Four cover (3/63) COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 9 (CBI)
Amazing Spider-Man #1 was destined to become a pop-culture classic as Marvel rushed out
Spider-Man's second appearance after his smash debut in
Amazing Fantasy #15. (Marvel still added the top-selling
Fantastic Four in their first crossover to bring in new readers.) This first issue has since remained a cornerstone of comic collecting — with co-creators Stan Lee and Steve Ditko bringing in the first appearance of J. Jonah Jameson as one of the most iconic supporting characters in the history of comics. Fans also meet JJJ's astronaut son John, along with seeing The Chameleon's debut as Spidey’s first supervillain.
Of course,
Amazing Spider-Man #1 has added value for establishing both Peter Parker and Spider-Man as major influences in building the Marvel Universe. This is the first issue of a title that would feature an extended cast of classic villains who'd torment heroes across all the Marvel titles. The book also provides Peter with a supporting cast of family and friends that's endured for decades, with nearly all finding big-screen fame in Marvel movie projects.
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