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COMMENTS: Off-White to White pgs; Qualified holder; Unrestored
classic Jack Kirby cvr/art; Silver Surfer vs. Galactus; 1st app of Wyatt Wingfoot; Johnny Storm goes to college
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Off-White to White pgs; Qualified holder; Unrestored
classic Jack Kirby cvr/art; Silver Surfer vs. Galactus; 1st app of Wyatt Wingfoot; Johnny Storm goes to collegeThe Surfer was famously dropped into his first appearance by Jack Kirby without warning his collaborator, Stan Lee, who was first bemused then intrigued by this bizarre and inventive new addition to the rapidly ballooning FF galaxy. By his third appearance in this landmark issue, Lee had solidified a tragic, Shakespearean arc for the new character, pitting him against his galactic master with the universe at stake and gracing him with tortured inner monologues and a questing spirit. The proof of the character's near-instantaneous acceptance with Marvel's increasingly college-aged readership is seen on this classic cover, where the upstart antagonist completely steals the focus from the book's supposed leads. Note the Thing's bewilderment at this unexpected turn of events.
classic Jack Kirby cvr/art; Silver Surfer vs. Galactus; 1st app of Wyatt Wingfoot; Johnny Storm goes to college
classic Jack Kirby cvr/art; Silver Surfer vs. Galactus; 1st app of Wyatt Wingfoot; Johnny Storm goes to college