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classic Curt Swan Bizarro vs. Frankenstein cvr
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classic Curt Swan Bizarro vs. Frankenstein cvrCover pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Stan Kaye. The Great Superman Hoax!, pencils by Wayne Boring, inks by Stan Kaye; Professor Juris pretends that he is secretly Superman to attempt to steal some Red Kryptonite from Perry White. Lois Lane's Lucky Day!, art by John Forte; Perry White sends Clark and Lois to a carnival to determine if the games are rigged. Bizarro Meets Frankenstein!, script by Otto Binder, pencils by Wayne Boring, inks by Stan Kaye; After seeing an Earth program claiming that Frankenstein was the scariest monster, Bizarro #1 travels to Earth to prove that he is scarier than Frankenstein.
52 pgs; Jack Kirby c/a (11/71) COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 6 (CBI)
52 pgs; Jack Kirby c/a (11/71) COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 6 (CBI)